Geared motor is a motion force system comprising of a casing with reduction gears and electric motor inside it. Inside the casing the gears and the motor can be built as per the precise specifications.
One of the advantages of a geared motor is that it holds both the motor and the gears in one casing. As such, it acts as a space saver for the final component. The gear motors are so flexible that one can engineer it to upsize or downsize depending on where these are to be used, be it for commercial use or for home use.
The primary benefit of a geared motor however, is that it helps in reducing the output speed while increasing the torque. The reduction in output speed and increase in torque is done proportionately. This helps in increasing the efficiency of the electric motors and helps them carry greater loads. However, if you are not using IE2 motors or EFF1 rated motor, then the chances are that the motor will be slower.
Talking of the reduction gears, these are small wheel like equipments that run to move the larger gears. Generally, you’ll see quite a few of these to keep the torque and the power in check.
The efficiency electric motors not only help in increasing the power, but also in reducing it, where need be. For example, in a car, gears are used for both increasing and decreasing the speed. Again, in a wrist watch, the arms of the watch are connected to different gears to regulate speed. It is the task of the electric motor to deliver the requisite revolutions per minute and get the desired result, just like in a car.
It is evident that the electric motor remains a vital part in geared motors. The performance and the life of the geared motor will largely depend on the quality of electric motor being used.
So, if you use IE2 or EFF1 rated motors, you’ll not only be able to reduce the cost of operation and save money with increased productivity, but you’ll also be able to contribute towards a larger cause- IE2 rated electric motors help in power conservation. Also, if you are exporting electrical goods to the European nations, it is mandatory that you use IE2 rated electric motors.
Companies like Crompton Greaves have making the IE2 rated electric motors. Use energy efficient electric motors always…